Therapeutic Effects of Logotherapy and Motivational Interviewing on Depressive Symptoms among Inmates of a Correctional Facility in Nigeria

Anthony Chukwunonye Edoka, Chukwuemeka Okoye, Chinyere Uzor


This study examined the therapeutic effects of Logotherapy and Motivational interviewing on depressive symptoms among inmates of a correctional facility in Anambra State, Nigeria. Twenty nine (29) male inmates of the facility, who scored above 49 on a Self – rating depression scale, whose ages ranged from 22 to 70 years, with a mean age of 37.10 years and standard deviation of 11.10 were selected for the study. The participants were grouped into three; two experimental groups (Logotherapy and Motivational Interviewing) and one control group through simple random sampling technique. The therapy session lasted for 5 weeks; two sessions per week, 60 minutes per session. The participants were assessed with the Self- rating depression scale developed by Zung (1965), before and after the treatment. The study adopted a pre- test and post- test between subject design and the results were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance statistics. At p <. 05, the first and second hypotheses were accepted, with F (2, 29) = 19.92, p = .00. Thus, participants who received Logotherapy and Motivational interviewing showed significant remission in depressive symptoms when compared to control group. Also, at p <.05, the third hypothesis was rejected, as participants who received Logotherapy did not show significant reduction in depressive symptoms compared to those who received Motivational interviewing. Indeed, neither of the two therapies was significantly more efficient than the other in the management of depressive symptoms. Based on the findings, the researcher therefore recommended that Logotherapy and Motivational interviewing be employed in psychological treatment of depression across different mental health settings.


Therapeutic Effects, Logotherapy, Motivational Interviewing, Depressive Symptoms, Inmates, Correctional Facility

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